Invoking Methods

At this point, we have successfully installed Pyrofork and authorized our account; we are now aiming towards the core of the framework.

Basic Usage

Making API calls with Pyrofork is very simple. Here’s a basic example we are going to examine step by step:

from pyrogram import Client

app = Client("my_account")

async def main():
    async with app:
        await app.send_message("me", "Hi!")


  1. Let’s begin by importing the Client class.

    from pyrogram import Client
  2. Now instantiate a new Client object, “my_account” is a session name of your choice.

    app = Client("my_account")
  3. Async methods must be invoked within an async context. Here we define an async function and put our code inside. Also notice the await keyword in front of the method call; this is required for all asynchronous methods.

    async def main():
        async with app:
            await app.send_message("me", "Hi!")
  4. Finally, we tell Python to schedule our main() async function by using Pyrofork’s run() method.

Context Manager

The async with statement starts a context manager, which is used as a shortcut for starting, executing and stopping the Client, asynchronously. It does so by automatically calling start() and stop() in a more convenient way which also gracefully stops the client, even in case of unhandled exceptions in your code.

Below there’s the same example as above, but without the use of the context manager:

from pyrogram import Client

app = Client("my_account")

async def main():
    await app.start()
    await app.send_message("me", "Hi!")
    await app.stop()


Alternatively to the run() method, you can use Python’s to execute the main function, with one little caveat: the Client instance (and possibly other asyncio resources you are going to use) must be instantiated inside the main function.

import asyncio
from pyrogram import Client

async def main():
    app = Client("my_account")

    async with app:
        await app.send_message("me", "Hi!")