
class pyrogram.types.BusinessMessage

Business working hours.

  • shortcut_id (int) – ID of the shortcut.

  • is_greeting (bool, optional) – True, if the message is a greeting message.

  • is_away (bool, optional) – True, if the message is an away message.

  • no_activity_days (int, optional) – Period of inactivity after which the greeting message should be sent again.

  • offline_only (bool, optional) – Dont send the away message if you’ve recently been online.

  • recipients (List of User, optional) – Recipients of the message.

  • schedule (BusinessSchedule, optional) – Schedule of the away message to be sent.

  • start_date (datetime, optional) – Start date of the away message.

  • end_date (datetime, optional) – End date of the away message.