
class pyrogram.types.Listener

Designed to manage and handle different types of listeners used in pyromod. It enables you to wait for specific events like messages or callback queries and provides mechanisms for defining the conditions and filters that trigger these listeners.

  • listener_type (ListenerTypes) – The type of listener that specifies the event you want to listen for. It can be either a “message” or a “callback_query.”

  • filters (Filter()) – The chat ID to match. If None, it is not considered for matching.

  • unallowed_click_alert (bool) – A flag that determines whether to send an alert if a button click event doesn’t match the filter conditions. Setting this to True will send an alert message to the user in such cases.

  • identifier (Identifier) – An Identifier instance that defines the criteria for the event. It includes properties like chat_id, message_id, from_user_id, and inline_message_id that you want to match against the incoming event.

  • future (Future, optional) – A Future object representing the asynchronous task that waits for the event. When the event occurs, the Future will be resolved, and the listener will be able to proceed.

  • callback (Callable, optional) – The callback to call when the listener is fulfilled.