
class pyrogram.raw.types.User

Telegram API type.

Constructor of User.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 83314FCA

  • id (int 64-bit) – N/A

  • is_self (bool, optional) – N/A

  • contact (bool, optional) – N/A

  • mutual_contact (bool, optional) – N/A

  • deleted (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_chat_history (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_nochats (bool, optional) – N/A

  • verified (bool, optional) – N/A

  • restricted (bool, optional) – N/A

  • min (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_inline_geo (bool, optional) – N/A

  • support (bool, optional) – N/A

  • scam (bool, optional) – N/A

  • apply_min_photo (bool, optional) – N/A

  • fake (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_attach_menu (bool, optional) – N/A

  • premium (bool, optional) – N/A

  • attach_menu_enabled (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_can_edit (bool, optional) – N/A

  • close_friend (bool, optional) – N/A

  • stories_hidden (bool, optional) – N/A

  • stories_unavailable (bool, optional) – N/A

  • contact_require_premium (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_business (bool, optional) – N/A

  • bot_has_main_app (bool, optional) – N/A

  • access_hash (int 64-bit, optional) – N/A

  • first_name (str, optional) – N/A

  • last_name (str, optional) – N/A

  • username (str, optional) – N/A

  • phone (str, optional) – N/A

  • photo (UserProfilePhoto, optional) – N/A

  • status (UserStatus, optional) – N/A

  • bot_info_version (int 32-bit, optional) – N/A

  • restriction_reason (List of RestrictionReason, optional) – N/A

  • bot_inline_placeholder (str, optional) – N/A

  • lang_code (str, optional) – N/A

  • emoji_status (EmojiStatus, optional) – N/A

  • usernames (List of Username, optional) – N/A

  • stories_max_id (int 32-bit, optional) – N/A

  • color (PeerColor, optional) – N/A

  • profile_color (PeerColor, optional) – N/A

  • bot_active_users (int 32-bit, optional) – N/A


This object can be returned by 5 functions.


Telegram API function.


Telegram API function.


Telegram API function.


Telegram API function.


Telegram API function.